
Pastor Josh Greiner

Pastor Joshua Greiner

Pastor Josh Greiner joined Berean Baptist Church in 2023 as the Lead Pastor. Before this, he was on staff as a pastor at in Indiana for 10 years. He received his BA from Purdue University in Political Science (2008), his M.Div. from Faith Bible Seminary (2013), Th.M. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2019), and is currently finishing up his Ph.D. from SBTS. Pastor Josh’s primary role at Berean involves preaching and teaching.  He speaks in most of the Sunday morning…
Pastor Steve Nichols

Pastor Steve Nichols

Steve Nichols is Associate Pastor of Music and Worship at Berean, serving since January 2006.  He and his wife, Becky have been married over thirty-five years. They have a son and daughter-in-law, Daniel & Joy with two sons, Landon and Declan living in NY; and a daughter and son-in-law, David and Cynthia, with a son, Josiah and daughter, Aravis, living in PA. Both families are serving in full time Christian ministry. Steve has been in full time pastoral ministry since…
Pastor Jim Galvin

Pastor Jim Galvin

Jim Galvin is the associate pastor of Christian Education and Outreach at Berean.  He joined the pastoral team in the fall of 2015. He attended Cedarville University (BA) and Baptist Bible Seminary (M Min).  He provides oversight to Berean’s adult Sunday School and children’s ministries.  He also encourages the church by providing opportunities to reach into the community and enjoys welcoming Berean’s many guests.  Jim and his wife, Karen have four adult children: Jeremy (married to Anna), Josh (married to…
Pastor Ryan Bump

Pastor Ryan Bump

Ryan Bump is the Associate Pastor of Student Ministries. His family joined Berean in January of 2019. His primary responsibilities (passions) are to the teens and college students of Berean. He and his wife, Julie have four daughters and a son: Sophia, Lucy, Annalise, Evelyn, and Charles. Pastor Ryan has earned his degrees from Word of Life, Baptist Bible College (BA), and Clark Summit University (MA). In pursuit of Christ, Pastor Ryan and family enjoys games, time with family, outdoor…
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