
The Lord has provided Berean with a congregation that loves to worship in song and a wonderful group of musicians to assist and join in that singing. People attending our services have mentioned that the full, vibrant congregational praise to our God in our services is a blessing to hear. Our worship teams of instrumentalists and singers are committed followers of Jesus and members of Berean, using their gifts and talents for the Lord. 

Twice a year, at Christmas and at Easter, we offer a special opportunity for able singers, both regular attenders and Berean members of high school age and above, to participate in a volunteer choir. Special volunteer choir rehearsals are scheduled in preparation for those two Sundays. 

Our auditioned vocal ensemble, Ransomed, is made up of members of Berean, and has regular rehearsals on Wednesday evenings during the school year. Ransomed ministers on various Sundays throughout the year.  

Berean’s music & drama options for children include an annual Christmas program with a K-5 musical as well as songs from the preschool classes and a nursery parade, a spring musical for grades K-5, and occasional opportunities for older children to join the adult choir. These presentations give Biblically-based opportunities for children to develop their musical, drama, and public speaking skills while also learning important truths from God’s Word. Middle school students are also invited to join the musicals for backstage and technical crew positions. Read more on our children’s music ministry.

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