Sermon Archive (Page 6)

Sermon Archive (Page 6)

The Posture of Standing for the Truth

Amen. It was some great singing, indeed. Growing up I loved to watch a good spy movie. Who am I kidding? I like to watch a good one now. You know those movies where an agent from the U.S. government or British government had a special job to do and usually involved infiltrating some foreign government or evil empire. And it was really a special kind of individual, right, an elite person who had all kinds of special tools. And…

The Supernatural Transformation by The Gospel

Fantastic job of singing there. That was a great song of repose. July 20, 1944, a group of German officers attempted to kill Adolf Hitler and seized control of the government. You might have seen this dramatically portrayed in the recent movie that Tom Cruise starred in Valkyrie. He was played in that movie by a man named Claus von Stauffenberg. Born to the German nobility that was eventually abolished after World War One. But von Stauffenberg loved his country.…

The Exclusivity of the Gospel

Amen. And thank you. Pastor Steve, and so many others. You may not know, but yesterday we actually had our annual pastors and deacons retreat. And so that the pastors and deacons of this church were here at the church house at 8 a.m. in the morning. And we were planning and we spent we were here well past lunch planning and talking about the future direction of our church. So if you see a deacon, if you see a…

Declare His Glory

This is like coming home again. It’s so good to be back at Berean Baptist Church and to be able to glorify looking at his word and speaking about what he is doing in our part of the world. Missions is the heartbeat of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. And He succeeded here, atone for our sin once for all at the cross is risen from the dead, ascended on…

Where Are We? Where Are We Going? And How Do You Fit In?

Thank you worship team for getting up early, battling that snowstorm and being here today. You know, I don’t know about you, but last Sunday, as Pastor Bill concluded his remarks and let us in singing that that was a very emotional time. And I hope that you will be back here today if you’re not staying for the luncheon. I hope that you’ll be back here today at 2:00 to to celebrate him and for us to do the…
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